Strategic R&D alignment (roadmaping)

To enable long-term efficient and innovative research, industrial (OEMs Zuliferer, SMEs) and academic partners (research institutes and universities) are working togehter across application domains. By acting together and with a strategy harmonised on a national and European level, the future social and economic challenges can be mastered with embdded technologies. SafeTRANS is THE German competence cluster to provide the platform for cooeration in the domain of embedded systems.

SafeTRANS Members…

  • participate in round tables and influence R & D strategies in the transportation domains
  • anchor their priority topics in R & D programmes on a national and European level
  • have direct information about the latest news of national and European R & D activities and programmes

SafeTRANS ...

  • … initiates
  • … moderates
  • … develops content

Information about SafeTRANS working groups in 2018 (only available in German).


  • SafeTRANS Roadmap onFoundations for Safety and Explainability of AI based Safety-Critical Applications

    Artificial Intelligence has grown into a front-runner technology of digital transformation, disrupting economy, society, and our life, and soliciting massive investment and funding worldwide. We are, however, running into the limits of controllability of large, highly connected AI based systems, due to lack of understanding their complexity and of methods and processes to establish their safety, reliability, and transparency. These limitations are novel in kind and severe, and will lead to dwindling public and consumer acceptance, and hence to drastic losses of business opportunities and markets, as currently to be witnessed in the automotive sector's broad retreat from highly autonomous driving. Given this key industrial relevance of assuring safety and explainability for AI based system, we plan to launch the Joint German Research Center on Foundations for Safety and Explainability of AI based Safety Critical Applications, providing the foundational research for solving the underlying research challenges in cooperation with research labs of relevant industries and organization. This center is coordinated by a core team leading researchers from industry, AI, and formal methods whose research demonstrates clear relevance for addressing safety and explainability of AI based safety-critical systems. This strategy paper outlines the key approach of a planned Lighthouse Project focusing on methods and tools required to establish safety and explainability for industry selected classes of safety critical applications with high business potential. It represents the joint position of the consortium led by a core team comprising key German industrial sectors wanting to deploy AI based components in safety critical applications and highly renown researchers in the areas of AI, Formal Methods, Control Theory, and Human Cognition pushing the fundamental barriers which currently block certifiability of such applications.


  • Safety, Security, and Certifiability of Future Man-Machine Systems

    The roadmap and position paper "Safety, Security, and Certifiability of Future Man-Machine Systems" outline the development of Cyber-Physical Systems towards highly complex human-machine systems and work out a technology roadmap as well as recommendations to ensure Quality Made in Germany" CPS.

    Safety, Security, and Certifiability of Future Man-Machine Systems:
    Position Paper, 2021
    Roadmap, 2021

  • Societal and Technological Research Challenges for Highly Automated Road Transportation Systems in Germany and the US

    Initialized by the DFG and NSF funded PIRE project “SD-SSCPS – Science of Design of Societal Scale Cyber-Physical Systems”, a two-day expert workshop titled “Societal and Technological Research Challenges for Highly Automated Road Transportation Systems in Germany and the US: Diversity and Synergy Potentials” brought together experts from research organizations and public authorities from the US and Germany.

    The workshop was hosted by: German Aerospace Center
    Place: Washington, D.C.
    Date: 30.-31.10.2018

    Its main objective was to establish a mutual understanding about current approaches and research activities for building, validating, and testing Highly Automated Driving Systems on both sides of the Atlantic. This report summarizes the workshop’s content and its key findings.

  • Position paper and Roadmap "Highly Automated Systems: Test, Safety, and Development Processes - Research Challenges and Recommendations of Actions"

    The roadmap and position paper outline research and regulatory topics for a cost-effective and safe use of highly automated systems, with a focus on the entire development process, including architecture and security aspects as well as verification and validation (V&V).

    Roadmap Hochautomatisierte Systeme, 2017 (D)

    Management Summary, 2017 (D)

    Management Summary, 2017 (EN)

  • ECSEL Strategic Research Agenda Electronic Components and Systems (ECS SRA), 2018

    SafeTRANS was the co-leader of the chapter "System and Components: Architecture, Design and Integration" (chapter 6). 

    ECS SRA to be available for download

  • ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda 2016

    The ARTEMIS Industry Association launched its Strategic Research Agenda 2016 in April. ARTEMIS-IA aims to consolidate the pathway for the digital revolution, enabling a more agile and shorter development cycle of Embedded Intelligent Systems. In the coming years the Industry Association will focus on providing strong technological capability over the whole value chain, thus removing barriers between application contexts to yield multi-domain, reusable components and Embedded Intelligent systems, and extend the use of digital platforms to build the stronger eco-systems that are needed to accelerate innovation and create new business models.

  • Eingebettete Systeme in der Automobilindustrie

    The Automotive Roadmap Embedded Systems was published on 22nd September on the occasion of the IAA 2015.

    The roadmap is published by:

    Dokument der Automotive Roadmap Embedded Systems:

    The Automotive Roadmap Embedded Systems can be downloaded here (PDF / 3 MB, only available in German).

    Presentation to the Automotive Roadmap Embedded Systems

    The presentation slides presented on the IAA showing the creation process of the roadmap as well as it's content can be downloaded [here] (PDF / < 1 MB, only available in German).

    It is possible to order the printed document free of charge. To do so, please write an e-mail to SafeTRANS Office including your address.

  • acatech agendaCPS

    Cyber-physical systems will pose new challenges to science and research. Embedded hardware and software systems are decisive driving forces for innovation in the export and growth markets of German industry. They crucially expand the functionality and, as a result, the practical value and competitiveness of vehicles, aircraft, medical equipment, production plants and household appliances. The objective should be to master technology and its economic use and to focus on the social acceptance of cyber-physical systems.

    AGENDA CPS Cover
  • Nationale Roadmap Embedded Systems

    The National Roadmap Embedded Systems was published on 8th December 2009 in occasion of the 4th IT-Gipfel of the German Federal Government. You find the press release here. (only available in German).

    The document of the National Roadmap Embedded Systems:

    The National Roadmap Embedded Systems can be downloaded here (PDF / 3,9 MB, only available in German). It is possible to order the printed document free of charge. To do so, please write an e-mail to SafeTRANS PR & Kommunikation including your address.

    Presentaion to the National Roadmap Embedded Systems

    A summary of the National Roadmap Embedded Systems can be downloaded here  (PDF / 4,6 MB).

    Related Document

    BITKOM: Eingebettete Systeme – Ein strategisches Wachstumsfeld für Deutschland (PDF / 209 MB)

Safety, Security, and Certifiability of Future Man-Machine Systems - Position Paper


Safety, Security, and Certifiability of Future Man-Machine Systems - Roadmap


Strategic documents for research and development

Together with experts from industry and research, we initialise crucial basic research for the cross-application technology of embedded systems by a harmonised strategy.